
The monorepo containing my dotfiles and machine configurations

Primary LanguageNix

My set of dotfiles and homelab configuration.

This project has been through quite a few iterations so some configs/settings may still be scattered.

Reusable outputs


My neovim configuration. Contains two packages with basic nvim config and one with language servers pre-configured.


  • packages.[neovim|neovimWithLangs] – runnable package with all plugins baked into it
  • nixosModules.vim – simple module to configure neovim


Tmux configuration with a module and app to run it. Uses senchopens/base16.nix for theming.


  • apps.tmux – runnable tmux with my config
  • nixosModules.tmux – installs tmux with custom config (wrapper around programs.tmux.enable)


Zsh configuration with all the bells and whistles.


  • nixosModules.zsh – can be used to set a non-home-manager user's shell to zsh with my config
  • homeManagerModules.zsh – can be used to set home-manager user's shell to zsh with my config
  • nixosModules.zshHMCompanionModule – for systems where home-manager module is used, zsh would need additional files to complete e.g. systemd commands. This module fixes it.

Hyprland helpers

A set of helpers for hyprland:

  • hyprland-lang-notifier – shows desktop notification on language change
  • hyprland-maybe-restart-hyprland-session – experimental helper for restarting systemd units when hyprland is quit and relaunched
  • hyprland-mode-notifier – shows notification on hyprland mode change
  • hyprland-switch-lang-on-xremap – changes language on xremap device; used when locking the laptop to set the language to the one the password is in.
  • hyprland-workspace-notifier – displays a short notification every time workspace is switched


Contains my doom-emacs configuration. It is managed using doom emacs' own locking mechanism instead of nix-community/nix-doom-emacs to prevent double-building.

Also includes kroki-cli for rendering org-excalidraw diagrams.


Contains aforementioned base16 + some semantic colors to help in styling various programs.

Hosts blocklist

A DNS block list. This package builds a file that's included by unbound configuration.

Repo organization

I am using two flakes: this one, public) and data-flake (private). Data-flake contains secrets and non-public settings. Public outputs from this flake should not depend on inputs from data-flake which allows reusing this flake with overriding data-flake to some sort of stub input.

Passing flake outputs to itself

In this flake I am declaring some reusable modules (see nix flake show outoput) and using them in my configuration so I can construct one-off configurations and bring in parts of my config without too much hassle.

All NixOS and Home-manager configurations get self.nixosModules, self.packages and self.homeManagerModules passed as special arguments. While not very elegant (extra parameters for module configuration passed in an awkward way) it works with the way Nix modules operate. Passing them through a special option would lead to inifinite recursions.

Flake modules

This flake takes heavy advantage of flake.parts and, more, specifically, flake modules. The latter allow keeping code that produces different flake outputs together.

Case in point – zsh config. I have three modules for zsh:

  • NixOS module that can be imported on non-home-manager machines
  • Home-manager module that can be used wherever home-manager is in use
  • Home-manager helper NixOS module that brings in system-wide completions into the necessary scope

Rather than having three separate lines in flake.nix and suffer through direnv constantly rebuilding the development shell when something changes, all that's needed is:

# flake.nix
# ...
  outputs = inputs@{ flake-parts, ...}:
  flake-parts.lib.mkFlake {inherit inputs; }
  ({ flake-parts-lib, ... }:
  let inherit (flake-parts-lib) importApply; in
    # ...
    imports = [
      (importApply ./flake-modules/zsh { inherit self; }) 
# ...

And all additional modules can be imported in a similar fashion.