Žofín ForestGEO data

Repository for a sample dataset from the Žofín ForestGEO plot - Central Europe old-growth forest. Data being collected and managed by the Blue Cat team.

All data in repository or data linked in from remote storage are limited, either spatially or temporarilly and are published under the CC BY-NC-SA licence. We are happy to collaborate and share the full extent of data for specific purposes upon request.

Avialable data Description
Biomonitoring mosses, mushrooms, insects
Maps sample maps in .jpg
Photo sample photos from plot
Remote sensing ALS, TLS, MLS, ULS + Aerieal photgraphy
Soils geology, geophysics, pollen profile, soil map, soil profile
Sensors meteo data, dendroband data, TOMST, EMS, litter trap
Trees tree census data, species list, summary data, dendrochronology, regeneration, deadwoods

Data published in repository comes from one 30 x 30 m subplot if possible. If none of the sampling points fall within the area of subplot (i.e. litter trap, directional photography, etc.). Data from the nearest sampling point(s) are avialable.

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