This project was written in accordance to create a DBMS in java language.
This project aims at implementing a database of sorts using files to store information of a potential automobile showroom that sells cars.
The project has three access routes: admin, employee, customer.
The program is capable of storing product information and displaying it when necessary and using the information in the certain file to assign products to customers and hence enable the customer to book a product.
The booking information, information about the employees and customers are also stored in files and displayed to Admin when asked or to other users whenever necessary.
The customer can specifically view orders by using the customer id(Email).
The Admin can view All files containing information about customers, employees, products, and orders
This consist of the Use case diagram and the class diagram and the Use Case Description, User input and output inside ppt.
Run the APP.Java file in terminal and select the roles as admin the
User id = admin
User password = admin
and so can enter the Admin portal .
If needed to know more on this project contact:
Navneeth Krishna:
People contributed for making of project is :
Adithya S Nair
Adithya Krishna
Athul Gireesh
Navneeth Krishna
Anoop Boby Manuel
(All students of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kollam, Kerala)