
Tests a Dump Collection against a redump.org dat file

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Tests a collection against a redump.org dat file


Download a dat file from redump.org, and use it to check a collection:

C:\path\to\script\redump-check D:\path\to\collection "D:\Sony - PlayStation - Datfile (10649) (2022-05-02 09-44-32).dat"

The scripts output will look something like this (Not up to date anymore):

~~~ Redump Collection Verifier ~~~
~~ Verifies any redump dat      ~~
~~  files against a collection  ~~
~~           Settings           ~~
~~ DAT File: D:\Sony - PlayStation - Datfile (10649) (2022-05-02 09-44-32).dat
~~ ROM Folder: D:\path\to\collection
~~ Allowed Extensions: .cue, .bin
~~ Recursive: Yes
Checking Games:
- Dump 1
  * Error on file Dump 1.cue - md5 missmatch: n34j089efj0defsj320rue0fjdpsm322 vs 34nmfd9834klondrfskadlofdn98wj34
- Dump 2, OK
- Dump 3, OK

Verified Games:
- Dump 2
- Dump 3

Games Unknown By Name:
- Dump 4

Games With Errors:
- Dump 1
   * Error on file Dump 1.cue - md5 missmatch: n34j089efj0defsj320rue0fjdpsm322 vs 34nmfd9834klondrfskadlofdn98wj34
   * Dump 1 (Track 1).bin - OK
   * Dump 1 (Track 2).bin - OK

The logfile "redump-check.log" will be created, it contains a more detailed listing of the checked files:

2022-05-02 17:45:31       ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
2022-05-02 17:45:31       INFO       CONFIG                                        NONE       Dat File: D:\Sony - PlayStation - Datfile (10649) (2022-05-02 09-44-32).dat
2022-05-02 17:45:31       INFO       CONFIG                                        NONE       ROM Folder: D:\path\to\collection 
2022-05-02 17:45:31       INFO       CONFIG                                        NONE       Allowed Extensions: .cue, .bin 
2022-05-02 17:45:31       INFO       CONFIG                                        NONE       Recursive: Yes 
2022-05-02 17:45:31       INFO       Dump 1                                        LOCATION   D:\path\to\collection\Dump1 
2022-05-02 17:46:05       INFO       Dump 1                                        ROM        Dump 1 (Track 1).bin - OK 
2022-05-02 17:46:08       INFO       Dump 1                                        ROM        Dump 1 (Track 2).bin - OK 
2022-05-02 17:46:08       INFO       Dump 1                                        GAME       Dump 1 - Had errors, see errorlog 
2022-05-02 17:46:08       INFO       Dump 2                                        LOCATION   D:\path\to\collection\Dump2
2022-05-02 17:46:08       INFO       Dump 2                                        ROM        Dump 2.cue - OK 
2022-05-02 17:46:48       INFO       Dump 2                                        ROM        Dump 2.bin - OK 
2022-05-02 17:46:48       INFO       Dump 2                                        GAME       All checks ok 
2022-05-02 17:46:48       INFO       Dump 3                                        LOCATION   D:\path\to\collection\Dump3
2022-05-02 17:46:48       INFO       Dump 3                                        ROM        Dump 3.cue - OK 
2022-05-02 17:47:13       INFO       Dump 3                                        ROM        Dump 3.bin - OK 
2022-05-02 17:47:14       INFO       Dump 3                                        GAME       All checks ok
2022-05-02 17:47:17       INFO       Dump 4                                        GAME       Unknown Game, it was not found in the provided datfile 

If errors occure, the errorlog "redump-check.err" will be writen

2022-05-02 17:45:33       ERROR      Dump 1                                        ROM        file Dump 1.cue - md5 missmatch: n34j089efj0defsj320rue0fjdpsm322 vs 34nmfd9834klondrfskadlofdn98wj34 
2022-05-02 17:46:08       ERROR      Dump 1                                        GAME       Had errors 
2022-05-02 17:47:17       ERROR      Dump 4                                        GAME       Unknown Game, it was not found in the provided datfile 


Reverse searching for unknown games, using the hash of its files.