
Downloads Webnovels and creates epubs/html files

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Downloads Webnovels and creates epubs/html files

Supported Sites:

  • Royalroad
  • novelhall

To download:

python download_webnovel.py -t epub,html <URL>

To See help:

python download_webnovel.py --help


# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
#                  Webnovel Downloader v0.2                      #
#              Supports royalroad and novelhall                  #
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #
# - Usage:
# -    python download_webnovel.py [-t epub,html] [-s 100] [-o <PATH>] <URL-OF-SERIES>
# -
# - Arguments:
# -    -t          Output format, e.g. html, epub. can contain multiple values, seperated by comma
# -    -s <NUMBER> Split the novel into parts, the number after the parameter defines how many chapters each part has
# -    -o <PATH>   Outputs novel to a specific path, use %i in the path when splitting the novel in seperate parts
# -    --help      Displays this help
# -
# - Example:
# -
# -   python download_webnovel.py -s 100 -t epub -o "test\Test Part %i.epub" https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/12345/test