
Reads EVE files into SQL as well as search stored data.

Primary LanguagePerl


Lilith reads in EVE files from Suricata and Sagan into PostgreSQL.

From there that data can then be searched and information on specific events fetched.



apt-get install zlib1g-dev cpanminus libjson-perl libtoml-perl \
 libdbi-perl libfile-readbackwards-perl libdigest-sha-perl libpoe-perl \
 libfile-slurp-perl libdbd-pg-perl
cpanm Lilith


pkg install p5-App-cpanminus p5-JSON p5-TOML p5-DBI \
 p5-File-ReadBackwards p5-Digest-SHA p5-POE \
 p5-MIME-Base64 p5-Gzip-Faster p5-DBD-Pg p5-File-Slurp
cpanm Lilith


perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install


First you need to setup your PostgreSQL server.

createuser -D -l -P -R -S lilith
createdb -E UTF8 -O lilith lilith

Setup /usr/local/etc/lilith.toml

# a handy one to ignore for the extend as it is spammy
class_ignore=["Generic Protocol Command Decode"]

Now we just need to setup the tables.

lilith -a create_tables

If using snmpd.

extend lilith /usr/local/bin/lilith -a extend


--config <ini>     Config INI file.
                   Default :: /usr/local/etc/lilith.ini

-a <action>        Action to perform.
                   Default :: search

Action :: run
Description :: Runs the ingestion loop.

Action :: class_map
Description :: Display class to short class mappings.

Action :: create_tables
Description :: Creates the tables in PostgreSQL.

Action :: event
Description :: Fetch the information for the specified event.
               Either --id or --event is needed.

--id <row id>  Row ID to fetch.
               Default :: undef

--event <id>   Event ID to fetch.
               Default :: undef

Action :: extend
Description :: LibreNMS style SNMP extend.

-m <minutes>    How far backt to go in minutes.
                Default :: 5

-Z              LibreNMS style compression, gzipped and
                then base64 encoded.
                Default :: undef

Action :: search
Description :: Searches the specified table returns the results.

--ouput <return>   Return type. Either table or json.
                   Default :: table

-t <table>         Table to search. suricata/sagan
                   Default :: suricata

-m <minutes>       How far backt to go in minutes.
                   Default :: 1440

--order <clm>      Column to order by.
                   Default :: timestamp

--limit <int>      Limit to return.
                   Default :: undef

--offset <int>     Offset for a limited return.
                   Default :: undef

--orderdir <dir>   Direction to order in.
                   Default :: ASC

* IP Options

--si <src ip>    Source IP.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: string

--di <dst ip>    Destination IP.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: string

--ip <ip>        IP, either dst or src.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: complex

* Port Options

--sp <src port>  Source port.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: integer

--dp <dst port>  Destination port.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: integer

-p <port>        Port, either dst or src.
                 Default :: undef
                 Type :: complex

* Host Options

--host <host>   Host.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

--hostl         Use like for matching host.
                Default :: undef

--hostN         Invert host matching.
                Default :: undef

--ih <host>     Instance host.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

--ihl           Use like for matching instance host.
                Default :: undef

--ihN           Invert instance host matching.
                Default :: undef

* Instance Options

--i <instance>  Instance.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

--il            Use like for matching instance.
                Default :: undef

--iN            Invert instance matching.
                Default :: undef

* Class Options

-c <class>      Classification.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

-cl             Use like for matching classification.
                Default :: undef

--cN            Invert class matching.
                Default :: undef

* Signature Options

-s <sig>        Signature.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

-sl             Use like for matching signature.
                Default :: undef

--sN            Invert signature matching.
                Default :: undef

* In Interface Options

-if <if>        Interface.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

-ifl            Use like for matching interface.
                Default :: undef

--ifN           Invert interface matching.
                Default :: undef

* App Proto Options

-ap <proto>     App proto.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: string

-apl            Use like for matching app proto.
                Default :: undef

--apN           Invert app proto matching.
                Default :: undef

* Rule Options

--gid <gid>     GID.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: integer

--sid <sid>     SID.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: integer

--rev <rev>     Rev.
                Default :: undef
                Type :: integer

* Types

Integer :: A comma seperated list of integers to check for. Any number
           prefixed with a ! will be negated.
String :: A string to check for. May be matched using like or negated via
          the proper options.
Complex :: A item to match.