
Provides a enhances colorized netstat like tool that is capable of doing searches.


The search criteria can be any of the following.

  • CIDR
  • Command
  • CPU usage percent
  • port
  • host
  • memory usage percent
  • PID
  • PTR
  • state
  • UID
  • username
  • wait channel

Command Line Options

-a         Show all connections.
--drp      Do not resolve port names.
-i         Invert the sort.
-l         Show the listening ports.
-n         Do not resolve the PTRs.
--nc       Do not use colors.
--pct      Show memory and CPU usage percent.
-S <sort>  The Net::Connection::Sort to use.
-t         Show only TCP connections.
-u         Show only UDP connections.
-W         Show the wchan.

-c <CIDRs>  A comma seperated list of CIDRs to search for.
--ci        Invert the CIDR search.

-C    Show the command to the first space.
--Cl  Show the whole command.

--cmd <cmds> A comma seperated list of commands to search for.
--cmdi       Invert the command search.

--cpu <pct> Show connections belonging to procs matching this CPU usage percent.
--cpui      Invert the CPU search.

--mem <pct> Show connections belonging to procs matching this memory usage percent.
--memi      Invert the memory usage search.

-p <ports>  A comma seperated list of ports to search for.
--pi        Invert the port search.

-P <protos> A comma seperated list of protocols to search for.
--Pi        Invert your protocol search.

--pid <pids> A comma separated list of PIDs to search for.
--pidi       Invert the pid search.

--ptrr <rgx>   A comma seperated list of regex to use for a PTR search.
--ptrri        Invert the RegexPTR search.
--lptrr <rgx>  A comma seperated list of regex to use for a local PTR search.
--lptrri       Invert the local RegexPTR search.
--rptrr <rgx>  A comma seperated list of regex to use for a remote PTR search.
--rptrri       Invert the remote RegexPTR search.

--ptr <PTRs>   A comma seperated list of PTRs to search for.
--ptri         Invert the PTR search.
--lptr <PTRs>  A comma seperated list of local PTRs to search for.
--lptri        Invert the local PTR search.
--rptr <PTRs>  A comma seperated list of remote PTRs to search for.
--rptri        Invert the remote PTR search.

-s <states>  A comma seperated list of states to search for.
--si         Invert the state search.

-U <users>   A comma seperated list of usernames to search for.
--Ui         Invert the username search.

--uid <uids> A comma separated list of UIDs to search for.
--uidi       Invert the UID search.

-w <rgx>     A comma separated list of regexp to use for matching wchan values.
--wi         Invert the wchan search.

The default available sort methods are as below.
host_f   foreign host
host_fl  foreign host, local host
host_l   local host
host_lf  local host, foreign host
pid      process ID
port_f   foreign port, numerically
port_fa  foreign port, alphabetically
port_l   local port, numerically
port_la  local port, alphabetically
proto    protocol
ptr_f    foreign PTR
ptr_l    local PTR
state    state
uid      user ID
user     username

For CPU, memory, PID, and UID searches, the equalities below can be
used, by directly prepending them to the number.


ncnetstat -s established,time_wait

Return a list of connection that are in the established or time_wait state.

ncnetstat -c ::1/128,

Return all connections to localhost.

ncnetstat -c -l

Display all connections listening explicitly on

ncnetstat -S host_f -i

Sort the connections by the foreign host and invert the results.

ncnetstat -c --ci

Show connections that are either not locally or remotely part of the subnet.

ncnetstat --ptr foo.bar

Find connections to/from IPs that have a PTR record of foo.bar.

ncnetstat --ptr foo.bar --ptri

Find connections to/from IPs that do not have a PTR record of foo.bar.

ncnetstat -n --uid '>1000' --Cl

Show every connection by a user with a UID greater than 1000, do not resolve PTR info and print the whole command.

ncnetstat -U www -p 80,443 --pi

Show every connecttion by the user www that is not a HTTP or HTTPS connection.

ncnetstat --cpu '>5' --Cl --pct -W

Search for connections from procs using more than 5% of the CPU time. Show memory and CPU usage as well whole command and wait channel.



pkg install perl5 p5-App-cpanminus lsof
cpanm Net::Connection::ncnetstat



yum install cpanm lsof
cpanm Net::Connection::ncnetstat


This has been tested as working on Debian 9 minimal.

apt install perl perl-base perl-modules make cpanminus lsof gcc 
cpanm Net::Connection::ncnetstat


  • Add support for more collection methods than Net::Connection::lsof

  • Support color selection and column ordering.