
Demo for issue.

Primary LanguageVue

Vue3 Advanced Module Federation Demo

This example demos consumption of federated modules from a vite bundle. router-host app depends on components exposed by router-remote and itself.

Running Demo

  1. cd packages/examples/vue3-advanced-demo

  2. pnpm restart You can directly stop the 5004 and 5005 ports occupied by other applications, and compile and start the Host and Remote services

  3. CTRL + C can only stop the host server. You can run pnpm stop to stop all services.

Advanced Demo

We have added a Demo to show the combination of Vite + Vue + Pinia + Vue Router + Element Plus + ECharts. We ported part of the Vuex example from vuex's official example as a functional verification.

Similarly, we can launch the Dev mode on the Host side for development.

cd packages/examples/vue3-advanced-demo/router-host
pnpm run dev