
Primary LanguageTypeScript

SDK7 Template scene

Try it out

Previewing the scene

  1. Download this repository.

  2. Install the Decentraland Editor

  3. Open a Visual Studio Code window on this scene's root folder. Not on the root folder of the whole repo, but instead on this sub-folder that belongs to the scene.

  4. Open the Decentraland Editor tab, and press Run Scene

Alternatively, you can use the command line. Inside this scene root directory run:

npm run start

What's new on SDK 7

Below are some basic concepts about the SDK 7 syntax. For more details, see the Documentation site.


An Entity is just an ID. It is an abstract concept not represented by any data structure. There is no "class Entity". Just a number that is used as a reference to group different components.

const myEntity = engine.addEntity()
console.console.log(myEntity) // 100

// Remove Entity

Note: Note that it's no longer necessary to separately create an entity and then add it to the engine, this is all done in a single act.


The component is just a data container, WITHOUT any functions.

To add a component to an entity, the entry point is now the component type, not the entity.

Transform.create(myEntity, <params>)

This is different from how the syntax was in SDK6:

// OLD Syntax

Base Components

Base components already come packed as part of the SDK. Most of them interact directly with the renderer in some way. This is the full list of currently supported base components:

  • Transform
  • Animator
  • Material
  • MeshRenderer
  • MeshCollider
  • AudioSource
  • AudioStream
  • AvatarAttach
  • AvatarModifierArea
  • AvatarShape
  • Billboard
  • CameraMode
  • CameraModeArea
  • GltfContainer
  • NftShape
  • PointerEventsResult
  • PointerHoverFeedback
  • PointerLock
  • Raycast
  • RaycastResult
  • TextShape
  • VisibilityComponent
const entity = engine.addEntity()
Transfrom.create(entity, {
  position: Vector3.create(12, 1, 12)
  scale: Vector3.One(),
  rotation: Quaternion.Identity()
GltfContainer.create(zombie, {
  withCollisions: true,
  isPointerBlocker: true,
  visible: true,
  src: 'models/zombie.glb'

Custom Components

Each component must have a unique number ID. If a number is repeated, the engine or another player receiving updates might apply changes to the wrong component. Note that numbers 1-2000 are reserved for the base components.

When creating a custom component you declare the schema of the data to be stored in it. Every field in a component MUST belong to one of the built-in special schemas provided as part of the SDK. These special schemas include extra functionality that allows them to be serialized/deserialized.

Currently, the names of these special schemas are:

  1. Schemas.Boolean: true or false (serialized as a Byte)
  2. Schemas.String: UTF8 strings (serialized length and content)
  3. Schemas.Float: single precission float
  4. Schemas.Double: double precision float
  5. Schemas.Byte: a single byte, integer with range 0..255
  6. Schemas.Short: 16 bits signed-integer with range -32768..32767
  7. Schemas.Int: 32 bits signed-integer with range -2³¹..(2³¹-1)
  8. Schemas.Int64: 64 bits signed-integer
  9. Schemas.Number: an alias to Schemas.Float
  1. Schemas.Entity: a wrapper to int32 that casts the type to Entity
  2. Schemas.Vector3: a Vector3 with { x, y, z }
  3. Schemas.Quaternion: a Quaternion with { x, y, z, w}
  4. Schemas.Color3: a Color3 with { r, g, b }
  5. Schemas.Color4: a Colo4 with { r, g, b, a }
Schema generator
  1. Schemas.Enum: passing the serialization Schema and the original Enum as generic
  2. Schemas.Array: passing the item Schema
  3. Schemas.Map: passing a Map with Schemas as values
  4. Schemas.Optional: passing the schema to serialize

Below are some examples of how these schemas can be declared.

const object = Schemas.Map({ x: Schemas.Int }) // { x: 1 }

const array = Schemas.Map(Schemas.Int) // [1,2,3,4]

const objectArray = Schemas.Array(Schemas.Map({ x: Schemas.Int })) // [{ x: 1 }, { x: 2 }]

const BasicSchemas = Schemas.Map({
  x: Schemas.Int,
  y: Schemas.Float,
  text: Schemas.String,
  flag: Schemas.Boolean
}) // { x: 1, y: 1.412, text: 'ecs 7 text', flag: true }

const VelocitySchema = Schemas.Map({
  x: Schemas.Float,
  y: Schemas.Float,
  z: Schemas.Float

To then create a custom component using one of these schemas, use the following syntax:

export const myCustomComponent = engine.defineComponent(MyDataSchema, ComponentID)

For contrast, below is an example of how components were constructed prior to SDK 7.


// Define Component
export class Velocity extends Vector3 {
  constructor(x: number, y: number, z: number) {
    super(x, y, z)
// Create entity
const wheel = new Entity()

// Create instance of component with default values
wheel.addComponent(new WheelSpin())

 * ECS 7
// Define Component
const VelocitySchema = Schemas.Map({
  x: Schemas.Float,
  y: Schemas.Float,
  z: Schemas.Float
const COMPONENT_ID = 2008
const VelocityComponent = engine.defineComponent(Velocity, COMPONENT_ID)
// Create Entity
const entity = engine.addEntity()

// Create instance of component
VelocityComponent.create(entity, { x: 1, y: 2.3, z: 8 })

// Remove instance of a component


Systems are pure & simple functions. All your logic comes here. A system might hold data which is relevant to the system itself, but no data about the entities it processes.

To add a system, all you need to do is define a function and add it to the engine. The function may optionally include a dt parameter with the delay since last frame, just like in prior versions of the SDK.

// Basic system
function mySystem() {
  console.log('my system is running')


// System with dt
function mySystemDT(dt: number) {
  console.log('time since last frame:  ', dt)


Query components

The way to group/query the components inside systems is using the method getEntitiesWith. engine.getEntitiesWith(...components).

function physicsSystem(dt: number) {
  for (const [entity, transform, velocity] of engine.getEntitiesWith(Transform, Velocity)) {
    // transform & velocity are read only components.
    if (transform.position.x === 10) {
      // To update a component, you need to call the `.mutable` method
      const mutableVelocity = VelocityComponent.getMutable(entity)
      mutableVelocity.x += 1

// Add system to the engine

// Remove system


Mutability is now an important distinction. We can choose to deal with mutable or with immutable versions of a component. We should use getMutable only when we plan to make changes to a component. Dealing with immutable versions of components results in a huge gain in performance.

The .get() function in a component returns an immutable version of the component. You can only read its values, but can't change any of the properties on it.

const immutableTransform = Transform.get(myEntity)

To fetch the mutable version of a component, call it via ComponentDefinition.getMutable(). For example:

const mutableTransform = Transform.getMutable(myEntity)