This toolkit should help you to use the QuickGrid with more functionality, specifically, if the QuickGrid is used in multiple places, with similar data structure, but with different columns.
- QuickGridToolkit is a library with additional functionality for the QuickGrid with this functionality
- Add columns to the grid dynamically
- Add columns selection
- Predefined/Strong typed columns e.g.
- Add columns sorting
- Add custom columns (ImageColumn, TickColumn, ..)
- Add clickable columns with call back
- BlazorApp1 is a sample application that uses the QuickGridToolkit library, page Users
<div class="my-3">
<ColumnSelector ColumnManager="_columnManager" SelectionChanged="SelectionChangedAsync" />
<QuickGrid @ref="_grid" Items="@_items.AsQueryable()" Class="table table-sm table-index table-striped small table-blazor table-fit table-thead-sticky mb-0" Theme="twentyAI">
@code {
private List<UserDto> _items = new();
private ColumnManager<UserDto> _columnManager = new();
private QuickGrid<UserDto>? _grid;
protected override void OnInitialized()
_columnManager.Add(new() { Property = p => p.Id });
_columnManager.Add(new() { Property = p => p.Name });
_columnManager.Add(new() { Property = p => p.Age });
_items = UserService.GetUsers();
private async Task SelectionChangedAsync()
if (_grid is null) return;
await _grid.RefreshDataAsync();
Current Issues
- The
property is not working for object type