
Extremely naive html->hiccup parser based on htmlparser2.

Primary LanguageClojure


Extremely naive html->hiccup parser based on htmlparser2.

Clojars Project


  • Runs on nodejs (unlike hickory or clj-only solutions).
  • Compatible with hiccup.
  • Easy to read and understand source - under 20 LOC.
  • Extremely naive implementation that can probably fail in hundred ways:
    • loads htmlparser2
    • parses html into string(buffer) representing the hiccup datastructure
    • parses the string into clojure(script) datastructure with clj.reader/read-string (all in memory, no streaming, probably fails on large html).
  • Pull requests to make this a little bit more robust are welcome. However for serious production usage either use hickory or if you need serious implementation that runs on nodejs, conside contributing to hiccory pull request #33 first.


   (:require [htmlparser2hiccup :as h2])
   (h2/html->hiccup "<p class=\"nice-text\">First paragraph</p>)
   ;; => [:p {:class "nice-text"} "First paragraph"]

Only pass html fragments that are wrapped in one top level element. If you pass more top level elemets (such as <p>one</p><p>two</p> then the rest is ignored.


Copyright © 2018 Vaclav Synacek BSD License