
Omdb viewew

Primary LanguageKotlin

Yet Another Home Task


Master Master


This project will contains best practices for solving generic home task such as "Display list of then show full info"

Project targeted for open API OMDB, but you need to generate your own token and set is as parameter into gradle.properties as omdbToken=<TOKEN> or use omdbToken ENV

List of movies Details for specific movie
List of movies Details for movie

Used in project:

  • Kotlin
  • Jetpack Compose + MVVM
  • Coroutines
  • Dependency Injection based on Dagger + Hilt
  • Network communication based on Retrofit + Calls interception
  • Sample of external API library
  • Integration test for API library
  • Unit test for domain layer

CI (Github Flow):

  • Library unit tests
  • App unit tests