
Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Darkstar Project

Welcome to the DarkStar project, an emulation server for FFXI. Visit our forums and IRC to keep in touch with the latest developments.

Forums: https://forums.dspt.info/index.php

IRC Channel

  • Server: irc.rizon.net
  • Port: 6667
  • Channel: #darkstarproject

Bug Reports

Old reports can be found here: http://bugs.dspt.info/

We are now using the issue tracker that is built into Github for all new bug reports and such. You can find the tracker here: https://github.com/DarkstarProject/darkstar/issues

Make sure both FFXI and the server are fully updated (and servers have been rebuilt with the latest code prior to the bug) or check the commit log since your last known update to see if the bug has already been fixed before submitting a new bug report (oh and remember to search to see if your issue has already been reported).

For any server crashing bugs, try to include a crashdump if possible, with the exe, pdb, and dmp file (see https://wiki.dspt.info/index.php/How_to_Dump) - including the log is optional, but it does help us debug crashes.

Bug reports should include steps to reproduce the bug.

Pull Requests

Commits should contain appropriate labels for the code you are modifying:

  • LOGIN/LOBBY (darkstar/src/login)
  • SEARCH (darkstar/src/search)
  • SCRIPTS (darkstar/scripts)
  • CORE (darkstar/src/map)
  • DATABASE/SQL (darkstar/sql)
  • CONF (darkstar/conf)
  • DOCS (darkstar/documentation)
  • PROJECT (anything that affects the build process - regardless of platform)

e.g. SCRIPTS: added [something] or CORE: added lua bindings for [something]

Remember to check back for any feedback, and drop a comment once requested changes have been made (if there are any).

Please test your code before committing changes/submitting a pull request.


Our project wiki with various information and guides can be found here: https://wiki.dspt.info/