
Code for Birdcall Identification kaggle competition.

Primary LanguagePython

Cornell Birdcall Identification competition

This is the code for Cornell Birdcall Identification challenge hosted on Kaggle


Librosa library is pretty slow for reading and transforming audio. So, I read data using librosa and saved it as HDF5 file. More about that you can read here.

Script for transforming .mp3 to hdf5: create/read_and_transform_audio.py


Augmentations are useful for better models generalization. I've used albumentations library and this Kaggle notebook to build augmentations for spectrograms transforming.

Code for this part tou can find here: modules/data/augmentations


I've used CNN for image classification for this task. Family of EfficientNet models is the SOTA for image classification now, so I chose it. Also I've used PyTorch Lightning to build training pipeline.

Model part: modules/model

Built With
