
Spring Fundamentals with XML Configurations Task 1: Create a Maven project and add required dependency of spring-context 5.1.4.RELEASE Create a Main class in package com.stackroute and two Spring Beans – Movie, and Actor in package com.stackroute.domain. Actor has two String properties, name and gender, and an age property of type int. An Actor can be initialized with the three properties via the corresponding setter methods. Use property based injection in the bean definition file (beans.xml) Movie “has a” Actor that can be initialized via the corresponding setter method. Use property based object injection in the bean definition file (beans.xml) The Main class looks up Movie bean via three ways to print out actor information:

  1. Using XmlBeanFactory
  2. Using Spring 3.2 BeanDefinitionRegistry and BeanDefinitionReader
  3. Using ApplicationContext Create a spring-xml-demo repo and push the code to master branch. Task 2: From the master branch of spring-xml-demo repo create a constructor-injection branch. Add constructor to the Actor class to initialize with name and gender, and age Create three beans of type Actor in the bean definition file. Use constructor-based injection in the bean definition file (beans.xml) to inject property values in each of the three beans via name, index, and type respectively. For the Movie bean, use constructor based object injection in the bean definition file (beans.xml) to inject an Actor bean. In the Main class, look up Movie bean using ApplicationContext and print out Author information. Use the same ApplicationContext to again look up the same Movie bean. Print out the equality result of the two Movie beans. System.out.println(beanA==beanB); Change the scope of the Movie bean in beans.xml to prototype and run the application again. Note the output. Replace id of the Movie bean with name having two values, like this:

<bean name=”MovieA, MovieB” ........> Update the code in Main to get the Movie bean by its two different name. Push the code to constructor-injection branch.

Task 3: From the constructor-injection branch of spring-xml-demo repo create a autowire-xml branch. For the Movie bean, delete the constructor based object injection in the bean definition file (beans.xml) that injects an Actor bean. Use autowire byName in the Movie bean to inject an Actor bean. Run the application. Create another Movie bean and try autowire byType. Run the application and note the exception thrown. Fix the Movie bean by removing autowire byType and using constructor injection instead. Push the code to autowire-xml branch.

Task 4: From the autowire-xml branch of spring-xml-demo repo create an aware-interface branch. Implement ApplicationContextAware, BeanFactoryAware, BeanNameAware in the Movie class and print out their results. Push the code to aware-interface branch.

Task 5: From the aware-interface branch of spring-xml-demo repo create a bean-lifecycle branch. Add a BeanLifecycleDemoBean class in com.stackroute.demo that implements InitializingBean and DisposableBean. Override the required methods to print out messages. Define BeanLifecycleDemoBean as a bean in beans.xml. Run the application and observe the result.

Add two methods customInit() and customDestroy() to the BeanLifecycleDemoBean class and print out custom messages. In the BeanLifecycleDemoBean bean definition, in beans.xml, set the customInit() and customDestroy() methods to be called. Run the application. Push the code to bean-lifecycle branch.

Task 6:

From the bean-lifecycle branch of spring-xml-demo repo create a bean-post- processor branch.

Add a BeanPostProcessorDemoBean class in com.stackroute.demo that implements BeanPostProcessor Override the required methods to print out messages. Define BeanLifecycleDemoBean as a bean in beans.xml. Run the application and observe the result. Push the code to bean-post-processor branch.