Educational project. Collection of REST services

Service "Chat"


  • REST service users chat
  • Connected via RestTemplate to the user authorization service

Assembly and installation:

Using Spring Boot CLI:

  1. Create "db_chat" database by default or your own database
  2. Change your PostgreSQL database username and password in '/src/main/resources/' and '/chat/src/main/resources/'
mvn liquibase:update
mvn spring-boot:run,--user=your_user,--password=your_password,--port=your_port

OR using default properties(db=db_chat, user=postgres, password=password, port=8080)

mvn liquibase:update
mvn spring-boot:run

Using Java CLI

mvn liquibase:update
mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar target/chat-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --db=db_chat --user=postgres --password=password --port=your_port

OR default settings (db=db_chat, user=postgres, password=password, port=8080)

mvn liquibase:update
java -jar chat/target/chat-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

TODO list

This program can:

Used technologies:

Screenshots of working program using Postman

  • Registration \
  • Login
  • Get all users
  • Send a message
  • Send a message to a person ![](chat/src/main/resources/images/send message.png)
  • Get message for specified person

Auth service

User authorization REST service. It uses Json Web Token for authorization.

Employees service

Employee REST service. It is connected via RestTemplate to the user authorization service.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me