
Useful Links:

Quick Start

$ Clone the repository: https://github.com/VadimRocket/tailwindcss-course.git
$ Go to the folder with the project: cd tailwindcss-course
$ Go to the appropriate branch corresponding to the lesson:
$ git checkout lesson-1
$ git checkout lesson-2, etc
$ Install dependencies: yarn install
$ Run the CSS build file: yarn build
$ Run Live Server or index.html in your browser
$ Install extention: Tailwind CSS IntelliSense


  • lesson-1: Setup environment
  • lesson-2: Core Concepts, Base Styles
  • lesson-3: Customization
  • lesson-4: Layout
  • lesson-5: Flexbox & Grid
  • lesson-6: Spacing
  • lesson-7: Sizing
  • [] lesson-8: Typography
  • [] lesson-9: Backgrounds
  • [] lesson-0: Borders
  • [] lesson-11: Filters
  • [] lesson-12: Tables
  • [] lesson-13: Transitions & Animation
  • [] lesson-14: Transforms
  • [] lesson-15: Interactivity
  • [] lesson-16: SVG
  • [] lesson-17: Accessibility
  • [] lesson-18: Official Plugins