Head of Development at ip.labs. Focused on design & implementation of highly scalable applications, Serverless on AWS & Java. Speaker & AWS Community Builder.
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Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB to deploy it on Lambda with Custom Runtime based on GraalVM Native Image (pure Java or with Spring Boot 3 framework) and measure Lambda performance (cold and warm start times)
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda-> Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) Serverless v2 database with Lambda managed Java 21 runtime with usage of classic JDBC PostgreSQL driver, Amazon RDS Proxy or http-based Data API, all including SnapStart enabling and priming techniques
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB to deploy it on Lambda with the Docker Container Image based Java application (pure Java or with Spring Boot 3 framework) and measure Lambda performance (cold and warm start times)
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB with Lambda managed Java runtimes with different Lambda memory settings, compilation options, (a)synchronous HTTP clients, Lambda layers, GC algorithms and hardware architecture (x86 vs arm64) including Lambda SnapStart enabling and priming techniques to measure Lambda performance
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB with Lambda managed Java 21 runtime based on Spring Boot 3 with AWS Serverless Java Container, AWS Lambda Web Adapter, Spring Cloud Function (all including SnapStart enabling and various priming techniques), Custom Docker Image and GraalVM Native Image
Examples used to explore Amazon DevOps Guru service, the fully managed AIOPs plattform and provoke the incidents. I used these examples to write the article series about DevOps Guru (see the link below) and conduct hands-on workshops)
spring boot email bouncer service
Incubator for Spring Boot native application support
Vadym79's Repositories
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB with Lambda managed Java 21 runtime based on Spring Boot 3 with AWS Serverless Java Container, AWS Lambda Web Adapter, Spring Cloud Function (all including SnapStart enabling and various priming techniques), Custom Docker Image and GraalVM Native Image
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB with Lambda managed Java runtimes with different Lambda memory settings, compilation options, (a)synchronous HTTP clients, Lambda layers, GC algorithms and hardware architecture (x86 vs arm64) including Lambda SnapStart enabling and priming techniques to measure Lambda performance
Examples used to explore Amazon DevOps Guru service, the fully managed AIOPs plattform and provoke the incidents. I used these examples to write the article series about DevOps Guru (see the link below) and conduct hands-on workshops)
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda-> Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) Serverless v2 database with Lambda managed Java 21 runtime with usage of classic JDBC PostgreSQL driver, Amazon RDS Proxy or http-based Data API, all including SnapStart enabling and priming techniques
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB to deploy it on Lambda with the Docker Container Image based Java application (pure Java or with Spring Boot 3 framework) and measure Lambda performance (cold and warm start times)
Different examples of solutions API Gateway->Lambda->DynamoDB to deploy it on Lambda with Custom Runtime based on GraalVM Native Image (pure Java or with Spring Boot 3 framework) and measure Lambda performance (cold and warm start times)
Explore ways to run Micronaut web application with AWS Lambda Java or Customer Runtime with GraalVM Native Image
Explore ways to run Quarkus web application with AWS Lambda Java or Customer Runtime with GraalVM Native Image