
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


In progress. Submitted to NeuroImage: Clinical.

Explainable Differential Diagnosis of Dementia using Self-supervised Learning. The proposed method is based on Nearest-Neighbour Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations (NNCLR) [1] using ConvNeXt Tiny [2] with 7x7 filter kernels.

The following image visualizes the whole architecture:


Repository structure:

  • configuration folder contains the YAML file for the configuration
  • data_processing folder contains the methods that are used to prepare data for a model
  • models folder defines a model structure
  • run_train_nnclr.py trains the NNCLR model
  • run_train-classifier.py trains the classification model
  • run_classifier_indep_eval.py evaluates the whole model on independent data
  • run_classifier_evaluation.py evaluates the whole model on the validation/test set
  • run_visual creates figures
  • All output information will be saved into the working folder (see configuration.yaml)

Datasets are accessible through http://adni.loni.usc.edu/, if not otherwise stated:

See also /data_dzne_archiv2/Studien/ClinicNET/data/

Set-up Instructions & data preparations:

  • sudo apt-get install dcm2niix
  • install ANTs: https://github.com/ANTsX/ANTs/wiki/Compiling-ANTs-on-Linux-and-Mac-OS
  • pip3 install captum lightly openpyxl plotly mlxtend zennit nibabel torch_tb_profiler
  • git clone https://github.com/VadymV/clinica and git clone https://github.com/VadymV/clinicadl.git
  • pip install ./clinica ./clinicadl
  • conda install tsnecuda -c conda-forge
  • download each dataset and place extracted image data into its own directory: /data/dataset_name/data/folder_with_extracted_data (e.g. /data/nifd/data/NIFD). Also download clinical data and place it into the clinical_data folder (e.g. /data/nifd/clinical_data). Of course, a symbolic link can be used instead of using the dataset directory directly (e.g. ln -s source link)
  • follow the instructions on https://aramislab.paris.inria.fr/clinica/docs/public/latest/ how to use dataset converters: e.g. clinica convert nifd-to-bids [OPTIONS] DATASET_DIRECTORY CLINICAL_DATA_DIRECTORY BIDS_DIRECTORY.
  • run clinica run t1-linear [OPTIONS] BIDS_DIRECTORY CAPS_DIRECTORY See also https://aramislab.paris.inria.fr/clinica/docs/public/latest/Pipelines/T1_Linear/ for more details
  • extract 2D slices: clinicadl extract slice CAPS_DIRECTORY t1-linear --slice_mode single --slice_direction 1 --discarded_slices 50
  • create a file that contains all required information about patients: clinica iotools merge-tsv BIDS info_data.tsv

How to?

  • When data are prepared the actual training of models and their evaluation can begin
  • The file info_data.tsv is used as metadata (e.g. for data loading, split into train and test sets, creation of labels)
  • Configurations are defined in the configuration/configuration.yaml file:
    • Block data contains settings on how to select slices and what labels to consider
    • nnclr, classifier, and independent_evaluation blocks are used to set parameters for training/evaluation and load specific dataset
  • Do you want to use your own dataset? Extend the code in clinica and clinicadl libraries:
    1. Conversion to BIDS: see clinica/clinica/iotools/converters to imitate the same structure
    2. T1-pipeline: see clinica/clinica/pipelines/t1_linear if in some places additional references are needed, however the pipeline should not depend on additional information
    3. Extraction of slices: see clinicadl/clinicadl/extract if in some places additional references are needed, however the pipeline should not depend on additional information

Current state and results

  • NNCLR training: ADNI3, ADNI2, NIFD
  • Classifier training: ADNI3, ADNI2, NIFD
  • Training trials: 3 (each trial new train and test sets are created that are the same for NNCLR and classifier models)
  • Independent evaluation: AIBL
  • Sample statistics of ADNI3 (N=2365, Patients=844):
Age 73.99(7) 76.96(8.31) 74.57(7.97)
MMSE 29.38(0.73) 20.84(4.50) 27.85(1.10)
Sex: F/M 312/221 52/70 140/173
  • Sample statistics of ADNI2 (N=1836, Patients=743):
Age 75.75(7.02) 76.22(7.63) 74.57(7.86)
MMSE 29.31(0.74) 21.07(4.29) 27.75(1.12)
Sex: F/M 110/94 120/163 151/203
  • Sample statistics of AIBL (N=991, Patients=583):
Age 73.51(6.41) 75.39(7.86) 76.62(6.52)
MMSE 29.20(0.77) 19.45(5.57) 27.17(1.25)
Sex: F/M 239/182 51/37 41/62
  • Sample statistics of NIFD (N=614, Patients=273):
Age 64.29(7.05) 62.09(5.82) 62.72(6.80) 68.94(7.72)
MMSE 29.68(0.47) 22.56(6.22) 22.48(5.74) 24.92(5.50)
Sex: F/M 72/58 23/48 14/23 19/16
  • Sample statistics of OASIS: N=2012, Patients=1079:

  • Sample statistics of OASIS: N=1411, Patients=835:

  • NNCLR training:

    • 1,000 epochs
    • a batch size of 180
    • nearest neighbour size: 8192
    • ConvNeXt Tiny CNN model with 7x7 filter kernel
    • data preparation for each sample:
      • a random slice across coronal plane within the middle region of the brain is selected
    • random transformations t are applied sequentially with p(t)=0.5 to get 2 views of the same sample:
      • resized crop
      • erasing
      • horizontal flip
  • Training of a classifier:

    • ConvNeXt Tiny CNN model serves as a feature extractor and is not trained
    • 100 epochs
    • a batch size of 64
    • features dimension from ConvNeXt Tiny CNN model: 768
    • classifier block that is trained: normalisation layer, flat operation, linear layer
  • Feature maps of 22 convolutional layers (subject ADNI002S0729 diagnosed with AD, session M60): Feature maps

  • t-SNE visualisation of features learned by NNCLR (train set): tSNE maps

  • Attributions created using Integrated Gradients of a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease: green (positive atttributions), red (negative attributions)

ig positive | ig negative

  • Evaluation results:
    • CN vs AD vs BV vs MCI over 3 learning trials using test sets of ADNI3, ADNI2, NIFD:
      • MCC is 0.32+/-0.01 Confusion matrix maps
    • CN vs AD using the independent dataset AIBL:
      • MCC is 0.58+/-0.01


[1] Dwibedi, D., Aytar, Y., Tompson, J., Sermanet, P., & Zisserman, A. (2021). With a Little Help From My Friends: Nearest-Neighbor Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 9588-9597.

[2] Liu, Z., Mao, H., Wu, C.Y., Feichtenhofer, C., Darrell, T., & Xie, S.. (2022). A ConvNet for the 2020s.

Additional info and known issues

  • delete files: find . -name '*pattern*' -exec rm {} \;

  • unzip files: unzip "file_name*.zip" -d output_dir/

  • running out of storage place. Clinica uses tmp directory for intermediate calculations. If you want to provide another location, do: export TEMP=/new_location/ or export TMP=/new_location/ or export TMPDIR=/new_location/ based on your settings

  • clinicadl (version 1.0.3) requires clinica==0.4.1

  • if InvalidIndexError occurs, insert (line 157):

      if not merged_df.empty:
          merged_df = merged_df.append(row_df)
          merged_df = row_df.copy()
  • if an error ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis occurs insert after line 167:

      merged_df = merged_df.reset_index(drop=True)
      merged_df = merged_df.loc[:, ~merged_df.columns.duplicated()]
  • (NIFD) T1w MRI file for the subject sub-NIFD1S0017 with session ses-M00 does not exist and thus is removed

  • PyCharm does not have enough space: set the variables idea.system.path=/path idea.log.path=/data_dzne_archiv/Studien/ClinicNET/temp/log/

  • Warning: Assuming 7FE0,0010 refers to an icon not the main image. This warning was ignored. Upgrade of dcm2niix did not help.

  • pandas.errors.ParserError: Expected 36 fields in line 80, saw 37. This error occurs while parsing the file 'aibl_flutemeta*.csv'. Fix: replace 'measured, AUSTIN AC AT Brain H19s' through 'measured AUSTIN AC AT Brain H19s'.

  • File not found error during the execution of the command ``xxxx-to-bids. To overcome the termination of the process, type continue` in a file `clinica -> utils -> inputs.py` just before where the errors are collected: line 309 (08.02.2022, clinica=0.5.3)

  • dx1 is instead of diagnosis as a column name during processing of the OASIS dataset. Insert the following into the file clinica/clinica/iotools/utils/data_handling.py at the appropriate places:

            if 'dx1' in sessions_df.columns:
                        "dx1": "diagnosis",
                    }, inplace=True,