• Week 01
    • General
      • Working on Social Profiles
        • GitHub
        • LinkedIn
        • Stackoverflow
      • Basic Concepts
        • What is Version Control
        • What is .NET
        • What is C#
        • What is ASP.NET
        • What is Database
        • What is SQL Server
      • Other Concepts
        • What is Software architecture
        • What is Client/Server
        • What is HTTP
        • What is TCP/IP
        • What is REST
  • Week 02
    • ASP.NET Core Web API
      • Your first Web API
      • Routing & Endpoints
      • Middleware
      • Authentication & Authorization
      • Error Handling
      • Filters & Attributes
      • Swagger/Postman/...
  • Week 03
    • Data Access
      • ADO.NET
      • EF Core
      • Dapper
      • Redis
      • SQL Server Profiler
  • Week 04
    • Performance
      • In Memory Caching
      • Distributed Caching
      • Response Caching
      • Output Caching
      • Rate Limiting
      • Response Compression
      • Browser's Network Tab
  • Week 05
    • Security
      • Authentication In Depth
        • What is OIDC
        • What is JWT
        • Social Authentication
        • MFA
      • Authorization In Depth
      • XSRF/CSRF
      • XSS
      • CORS
      • SameSite Cookie
      • IP Safelist
  • Week 06
    • Quality
      • Test
        • Unit Test
        • Integration Test
        • Test Coverage
        • Mocking
      • Technical Debt
        • SOLID
        • DRY
        • KISS
        • Code Analyzer
  • Week 07
    • Deployment
      • Basics
        • What is Web Server
        • IIS
        • Kestrel
      • Advance
        • Docker Commands
        • Docker Image
        • Docker Container
        • Docker Compose
        • WSL
        • Kubernetes
    • CI/CD
      • Azure DevOps Pipelines
      • GitHub Actions
  • Week 08
    • User Interface
      • HTML/CSS/JS Basics
      • Angular Basics
      • React Basics
      • Blazor Basics
  • Week 09
    • Practical 01
      • User Management System
        • Registration
        • Login
        • OTP & 2FA
        • Access Management
        • OIDC
  • Week 10
    • Practical 02
      • Online Publication System
        • Integration with Practical 01
        • Draft
        • Submit Paper
        • Review Paper
        • Votting
        • Commentting
        • Like
  • Week 11
    • Practical 03
      • Financial Management System
        • Integration with Practical 01 & 02
        • Bill Calculation based on publications
        • Budget Management
        • Accounting Management
          • Cash Payement
          • Staged Payement
          • Accounting Reports
  • Week 12
    • Monitoring
      • Monitor Practical 01 & 02 & 03 applications
      • Health Check
      • Tracing
      • Logging