
A MERN stack website to log your expenses

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Git repo has frontend part of this MERN stack website

This is a simple looking yet complex at functionality MERN stack website with Tailwind CSS and Redux Toolkit integration!

🔍 Project Highlights:

✅ Built using the powerful MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, harnessing the full potential of each technology to create a seamless user experience.

✅ Leveraged the elegance and efficiency of Tailwind CSS to design a stunning and responsive user interface, ensuring optimal performance on any device.

✅ Empowered the application with Redux Toolkit, enabling smooth state management and enhancing overall application stability.

✅ Implemented various modern features, such as JWT authentication for user authorization, real-time updates, and data validation, making it a feature-rich web application.