ModeSens is your fashion shopping assistant for the smart and informed. Established in 2015, ModeSens is led by a team of industry experts who developed a solution to the disconnected and crowded online shopping experience.
This project is a clone of Modesens website. ModeSens is your digital shopping assistant dedicated to saving you time and money. With ModeSens, you can view a product's availability, price. We made use of Localstorage to store and retrieve data.
Deployed Link of our work 👉 Click here
- Sign-up and sigin user.
- Apply filter and categorize data.
- Add to cart functionality.
- Add and shop products, offers and community section
- Follow your favorite brands.
- To order any Product on our website user have to login and then can do any order .
- Signin was achieved with the help of Local storage .
- No user From same ID can signin , he/she have to enter different emaid ID .
- After successful signin For Authentication he has to login as a valid user so can do any order and can visit website.
- Login is Achieved by Local Storage and after verfication he can proceed to visit website .
- User can see all the Glimse of fashion on home page and there are several carausel which make website more attractive .
- Home page carausel which was devlop with help on js itsel and some are devlop with the help of splide js external libarary.
- User can do shopping by category , also User have good access to category .
- so womens have to directytly had toward the women page can do shopping .
- Website also have mens page wher mens can search on differentnt product and do shooping .
- All the product are shown with the help carausel in unique the eye catching Mannner .
- Category can be sort according to men , women , kids in kids page .
- If user wnat to do shopping with the hepl of sorting can do that thing also .
- user can head towars to see all exciting offer currently running on website .
- oFFer section provide all the discount on product .
- offer section is devlop to make user greedy to shop more on website .
- It provide all the information of all the brands that are present on website .
- which invoke user to do more shopping which are more concious of some brands
- [HTML] - It enables us to create structure for website
- [CSS] - To beautify the website
- [Js] -To add functionality to website.
Concept | Purpose |
Higher Order Function | map(), reduce(), filter() and forEach() |
DOM | Document Object Model manipulation enables us to change behavior |
localStorage | It is used to store data in browser memory |
Javascript Object | It is used to store data in the form of key-valye pair |
Team Member | In-charge |
Rabiya Naz | Created beauty and kids page |
Vaibhav Bedarkar | Created Cart, offer and payment page |
Krushana Chavan | Signup and login page |
Prateek Soni | Dashboard and Home page |
Dinesh Shendre | Community page, Brands and Why Modesens page |
Aayan Ahmed | Mens and Womens page |