
The application is developed for Neosoft Internal project. This app follows Android Architectural Components and offline caching

Project Highlights:

  1. MVVM Architectural pattern
  2. Unit testing using JUnit and Mockito
  3. UI unit testing using Espresso
  4. Offline data caching

The application uses OkHttp Caching Interceptor to store data for offline mode. It follows MVVM Architecture pattern. As MVVM pattern is ultimately the modern structure of the MVC pattern, so the main goal is still the same to provide a clear separation between domain logic and presentation layer. Application uses Live Data to observe data changes and update views accordingly.

Screen Shots:


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Coding components:

  1. Android Architectural Components
  2. MVVM and Live Data
  3. Retrofit with Okhttp
  4. JUnit and Mockito for Unit testing
  5. JSoup for HTML Parsing