
Popular Movies, Artists & TV Shows (PMATS) is a demo project to demonstrate app made using latest android app architecture components and using Clean Architecture Model where there is separation of concern. Fetches data from remote data source using Retrofit. Stores data to local data source using Room DB. Fetches data from local data source using Room DB. Stores data to cache data source using caching technique. Fetches data from cache data source using caching technique. Using Dagger for dependency injection and separation of concern. Using MVVM and Data Binding

Primary LanguageKotlin


What is Clean Architecture? Why to use?

Popular Movies, Artists & TV Shows (PMATS) is a demo project to demonstrate app made using latest android app architecture components and using Clean Architecture Model where there is separation of concern.

✓ Fetches data from remote data source using Retrofit

✓ Stores data to local data source using Room DB

✓ Fetches data from local data source using Room DB

✓ Stores data to cache data source using caching technique

✓ Fetches data from cache data source using caching technique

✓ Using Dagger for dependency injection and separation of concern

✓ Using MVVM and Data Binding

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