
Meme Share App is the app that shows differnet variety of memes from the reddit source. The app gets the data from the api through the json object and displays the image using the image processing library. The app also has a share button so that people can share meme to the other people.

Primary LanguageKotlin

About 👩‍💻

Meme Share App is the app that shows differnet variety of memes from the reddit source. The app gets the data from the api through the json object and displays the image using the image processing library. The app also has a share button so that people can share meme to the other people.

API Used: link

Technology Used 🛠


  • Kotlin -> Backend(Logic)
  • XML -> Frontend


  • Volley Library -> Network Library helped in getting the json object as a response through a get request.
  • Glide Library -> Image Processing Library helped in fast loading of the image throught the json object.

Screenshots 📷

Meme 1

Meme 2

Share Meme


Click here to download.