COMP30026 2023 Practise Exam Answer

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Question 1

Part A



$\psi =\lnot (\lnot P \lor Q) \lor R$

$\psi = (P \land \lnot Q) \lor R$

$\psi \models (\lnot Q\lor R)$

$\rho = \lnot P \lor \lnot Q \lor R$

$(\lnot Q \lor R) \models (\lnot P \lor \lnot Q \lor R)$

I misunderstood the question at first, it is asking for a single $\varphi$ that would satisfy all these conditions.

$\varphi=(Q \to R)$

Part B


1: $R \leftrightarrow S$

2: $\lnot(R\lor S)\to \lnot P$

3: $Q\to (R \oplus S)$

4: $(R\land S)\to Q$

In = LogicalExpand[Implies[Q, Xor[R, S]] && Implies[R && S, Q] && Equivalent[R, S] && Implies[! (R || S), ! P]]
Out = ! P && ! Q && ! R && ! S

Hence, by mathematica, and as Bernhard Andersson pointed out, Macguffin cannot show films that week.

Question 2


Part A

You need to give an interpretations that makes it valid and another that makes it unsatisfiable, read more.

Consider $\mathcal{I}(D)=\mathbb{R}$, $\mathcal{I}(P)(x,y)=(x=y)$, $F\land G\equiv\top$.

Consider $\mathcal{I}(D)=\mathbb{R}$, $\mathcal{I}(P)(x,y)=(x\lt y)$, $F\land G\equiv\bot$.

Hence, $F\land G$ is satisfiable but not valid.

Part B

To show is not valid, only need to give a counter example.

Consider $\mathcal{I}(D)=\mathbb{R}$, $\mathcal{I}(P)(x,y)=(x\lt y)$, $F\lor G\equiv\bot$.

Hence, $F\lor G$ is not valid.

Part C


$H$ is valid, hence $G \models H$.

Question 3

Part A


As Aimee Liang pointed out, it is more rigoros to use $F(z, x)$, which stands for $z$ is a friend of $x$, instad of $F(x, z)$.

$\forall x (D(x)\land (\exists y (P(y)\land E(x, y))) \to (\lnot \exists z (C(z) \land F(z, x))))$

Part B


$\forall x \forall y \lnot (M(x)\land \forall z(\lnot D(z)\lor L(x, z)))\lor (\lnot M(y)\lor\lnot L(y, x))$

I don't want to type anymore, I will list the outline, you can check Jordi Van Der Meer's step-by-step solution here.

Push $\lnot$ in

replace $z$ by $f(x, y)$

Distribute $\land$

${D(f(x, y)),\lnot M(x),\lnot M(y), \lnot L(y,x)}$,

${\lnot L(x, f(x, y)), \lnot M(x), \lnot M(y), \lnot L(y,x)}$

It means Mice don't like mice who like dogs.

Part C


Harold likes himself: $L(b,b)$

Negate the formula: $\lnot L(b,b)$

Note that $a$, $b$, $c$ are constants, and cannot be mapped.

Question 4

Part A


The string is basically any number of ab followed by any number of ba.

  • abba
  • bababa
  • ababba

Part B


Part C


Both lhs and rhs need to be able to match the string.

$a*\lor b*$

Question 5

Part A


State a b
S={1} A Z
A*={2,4,5} B C
B*={4,5} B D
C*={3,5} Z D
D*={5} Z D
Z={} Z Z

Part B



Part C


$(a\lor b)*$

Question 6

Part A

Please refer to Jordi Van Der Meer's answer.

Part B


A string made up of 28 "a"s.

Part C


Please refer to Jordi Van Der Meer's answer:

$s\to \epsilon | a^4 | a^7 | a^8 | a^{11} | a^{12} | a^{14} | a^{15} | a^{16} | T a^{18}$

$T\to \epsilon | Ta$

Additional explanation by Alex, and I quote

For every sequence of 'a's, there is a single parse tree. For all sequences shorter than 18, we apply a single rule, so the parse tree is unique. For all sequences longer than 18, we know that the string was generated by the rule S → Ta^18, then some number of applications of the rule T → Ta.

The number 18 was chosen as we have proven that every integer greater than 17 can be written as a sum of 4s and 7s (Part A)

Question 7


part A

Basically, just interchange $\forall$ with $\exists$.

Don't forget to interchange $\land$ with $\to$, as $\exists_x F\equiv \lnot \forall_x \lnot F$

$\forall x (\forall y (y\in \mathcal{F} \to x\in y) \to \exists z (z \in \mathcal{G} \land x\ \in z))$

Part B

Note that $\epsilon \in$ (L\M)*, but $\epsilon \not \in$L*\M*

Part C

let L = {a, b}

Let M = {a}

L*\M* = {a, b}* \ {a}*

(L\M)* = {b}*

ab is in L*\M*, but not in (L\M)*.

Question 8


For alternative answer, please refer to here.

Part A

I used Gauss's formula in this question, could be wrong tho. The tricky 0 cause is dealt by length xs, otherwise I needed to use n+1.

import Data.List

isTotalFct :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
isTotalFct n xs = (sum $ nub $ map (\(x, _) -> x) xs) == (0 + n) * count `div` 2
    where count = length xs

Part B

import Data.List

isIdempotent :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
isIdempotent n xs = all (\(x, y) -> (elem (y, (apply y xs)) xs)) xs

-- Apply the function to a value.
-- Parameters:
--   $0: The input value
--   $1: The function
apply :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Int
apply n ((x,y):xs) = if (n == x) then y else (apply n xs)

Question 9


please note in the last operation, you can go left or right.

Basically, you would go to the end of the string (first state), then move left 3 times to check if it is an a.

If the string was not long enough, it would have been rejected when moving the pointer back (left).

As Bernhard Andersson said, you need to consume the character (to x), in order to prevent the pointer from staying at the left most position instead of rejecting when the string is not long enough. (Yes, the Turing Machine stays there when you try to go left at the left most position.)

Congrates on finishing the sample exam!

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