
Doubt in code

Opened this issue · 7 comments

So let me get this clear .
You encoded all the instructions of your script in your python using base64 encoding and tell people to run the script on something that they are not aware of what is coming .
Dont you think this is a bit suspect ? it is like eating something that you are not seeing and don't know what it is .


It is good that you mentioned the base64 encryption method, which any script kid can Decode it and see the source code easily, but the answer is that there are some additions in the next update, so I wanted to close and encrypt the source to be updated

what will this code do @Vairous7x , Sorry if it sounds stupid. Plz tell brother. I don't understand farsi so your youtube channel is something i cann't understand

why is there so much hexa code after decoding? another level of decoding needed or it's just there for no reason??

ok thankyou ^_^