
Unofficial Pytorch implementation of "Federated Meta-Learning with Fast Convergence and Efficient Communication"

Primary LanguagePython

Federated Meta-Learning with Fast Convergence and Efficient Communication

This repo contains unofficial pytorch implement of paper Federated Meta-Learning with Fast Convergence and Efficient Communication Due to lack of official codes, I am confused with such statements placed in the paper:

Page 6:

We filter inactive clients with fewer than k records, which is set to be 10, 20, 25 for FEMNIST, Shakespeare, and Sent140 respectively

It might ask me to drop the disqualified clients

Page 12:

Evaluation There are two common ways to define testing accuracy in the federated setting, namely accuracy with respect to all data points and ...

I evaluate the performance across all the test clients.

Page 12:

We use Adam [7] as the local optimizer for all approaches

It seems that it impossible to use Adam as optimizer of inner loop of meta-learning and I use gradient descend instead.

Generation of dataset

I included submodule LEFA for simplification, for more details, you can visit LEAF: A Benchmark for Federated Settings.

To split a client's data, you can go to dataset/<dataset_name> folder and run python split_support_query.py <p> to take it apart. p specify the fraction of support set.


Both FedAvg and FedMeta support two schemes for Algorithm 1:

  1. Sampling mini-batch(s) from support set and query set from both meta-train and meta-test clients when training or testing. It is same as what we do in meta-learning.

  2. Use full data of support and query set.

You can use train_inner_step and test_inner_step option to specify the number of mini-batch(s)(default is 0 which means use full dataset).



python run.py --algo=fedmeta \
--eval_on_test_every=1 \
--dataset=femnist_p_0.2 \
--lr=0.001 \
--num_epochs=1 \
--model=cnn \
--clients_per_round=4 \
--batch_size=10 \
--data_format=pkl \
--num_rounds=2000 \
--meta_algo=maml \
--outer_lr=0.0001 \
--result_prefix=./fedmeta_result \
--device=cuda:0 \
--save_every=1000 \
--meta_inner_step=5 \


--algo=fedavg_adv \
--eval_on_test_every=1 \
--dataset=femnist_p_0.2 \
--lr=1e-4 \
--num_epochs=1 \
--model=cnn \
--clients_per_round=4 \
--batch_size=10 \
--data_format=pkl \
--num_rounds=2000 \
--result_prefix=./fedmeta_result \
--device=cuda:6 \
--save_every=1000 \

Note that it different from FedAvg because of clients are divided into meta-train and meta-test tasks.

I ran the FedAvg based on difference schemes(Red one is scheme 2, green one is scheme 1):

Accuracy Loss

Contrast to FedAvg, FedMeta use train dataset as support set and test dataset as query set. The red one uses 5 mini-batches during inner loop and outer loop.

Accuracy Loss

Note I can't achieve the same performance!!! I hope the author can share their implementation :)


  1. LSTM model(Current version cost too many GPU resource)
  2. I also implements the tensorflow version but the performance need to verify.