
London bike sharing dataset Historical data for bike sharing in London 'Powered by TfL Open Data'


London bike sharing dataset Historical data for bike sharing in London 'Powered by TfL Open Data'

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London Bike Rides


  1. "timestamp" - timestamp field for grouping the data
  2. "cnt" - the count of a new bike shares
  3. "t1" - real temperature in C
  4. "t2" - temperature in C "feels like"
  5. "hum" - humidity in percentage
  6. "wind_speed" - wind speed in km/h
  7. "weather_code" - category of the weather
  8. "is_holiday" - boolean field - 1 holiday / 0 non holiday
  9. "is_weekend" - boolean field - 1 if the day is weekend
  10. "season" - category field meteorological seasons: 0-spring ; 1-summer; 2-fall; 3-winter.

"weathe_code" category description:

  1. 1 = Clear ; mostly clear but have some values with haze/fog/patches of fog/ fog in vicinity
  2. 2 = scattered clouds / few clouds
  3. 3 = Broken clouds
  4. 4 = Cloudy
  5. 7 = Rain/ light Rain shower/ Light rain
  6. 10 = rain with thunderstorm
  7. 26 = snowfall
  8. 94 = Freezing Fog

kaggel Dataset Link: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/hmavrodiev/london-bike-sharing-dataset/data

Tableau Dashboard : https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/vinod.goraguddi/viz/LondonBikeRides_17037451275550/LondonBikeRides