
Create rest api client from interface

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Sinch WebApiClient

This package supports

API definition with interface
Auto generating implementation using Castle.Core
Attribute routing
Asynchronous implementation
Action Filters


Sinch WebApiClient is © 2015 Sinch AB. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms of the MIT license.

API definition with interface

Map methods, reguest and response using an interface.

public interface IEchoApi
	Task<string> Echo(string name);

Auto generating implementation using Castle.Core

An implementation is generated for the defined interface using Castle.Core dynamic proxy.

var factory = new WebApiClientFactory();
var echoApi = factory.CreateClient<IEchoApi>("");
var echoResult =  await echoApi.Echo("Hello world!");

Attribute routing

Routing is performed similar to WebApi Controllers.

public interface IAttributeRoutingApi
	Task<ProductList> GetAll();

	Task<Product> GetById(string id);
	Task UpdateById(string id, Product product);

	Task DeleteById(string id);

Also support [ToUri] and [ToBody] attribute routing.

public class Name
	public string First { get; set; }
	public string Last { get; set; }
public interface IUserApi
	public Task<UserList> QueryByName([ToUri] Name name);

Action Filters

Action filters are hooks into pre/post processing. The request can be modified in OnActionExecuting and the response can be accessed before it is processed in OnActionExecuted

public class ConsoleLoggerActionFilter : IActionFilter
	public Task OnActionExecuting(HttpRequestMessage requestMessage)
		Console.WriteLine($"[{requestMessage.Method}] {requestMethod.RequestUri}");
		return Task.FromResult(true);
	public Task OnActionExecuted(HttpResponseMessage responseMessage)
		Console.WriteLine($"[{responseMessage.StatusCode} {responseMessage.ReasonPhrase}]");
		return Task.FromResult(true);
var factory = new WebApiClientFactory();
var echoApi = factory.CreateClient<IEchoApi>("", new ConsoleLoggerActionFilter());
var echoResult =  await echoApi.Echo("Hello world!");

And that's all, folks. If you have any questions, email us at support@sinch.com.