
Another way to stream data into ES (stdin, Wikipedia, and Twitter)

Primary LanguageClojure


For when you need a little more control than elasticsearch-river-wikipedia.


    % curl -O download.elasticsearch.org/stream2es/stream2es; chmod +x stream2es

Quick Start

By default, stream2es reads JSON documents from stdin.

    % echo '{"foo":1}' | stream2es
    create index foo
    stream stdin
    flushing index queue
    00:00.505 2.0d/s 0.1K/s 1 1 70
    streamed 1 docs 1 bytes xfer 70

You can also index the latest Wikipedia article dump.

    % stream2es wiki --index tmp            
    create index tmp
    stream wiki from http://download.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pages-art
    00:04.984 44.7d/s 622.7K/s 223 223 3177989 0 10
    00:07.448 54.1d/s 838.1K/s 403 180 3213889 0 794
    00:09.715 63.0d/s 961.4K/s 612 209 3172256 0 1081
    00:12.000 73.2d/s 1036.1K/s 878 266 3167860 0 1404
    00:14.385 75.2d/s 1079.9K/s 1082 204 3174907 0 1756
    ^Cstreamed 1158 docs 1082 bytes xfer 15906901 errors 0

What is the output telling me?

    00:12.000: MM:SS that the app has been running
      73.2d/s: Docs per second indexed
    1036.1K/s: Bytes per second indexed (bulk transferred over the wire)
          878: Total docs indexed so far
          266: Docs in bulk
      3167860: Total JSON bytes of docs in the bulk
            0: Total docs that have had indexing errors so far
         1404: The _id of the first doc in the bulk

If you're at a café or want to use a local copy of the dump, supply --url:

    % ./stream2es wiki --max-docs 5 --url /d/data/enwiki-20121201-pages-articles.xml.bz2

Twitter Authentication

In order to stream Twitter, you have to create an app and authorize it.

Create app

Visit (https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new) and create an app. Call it stream2es. Note the Consumer key and Consumer secret.

Authorize app

Now run stream2es twitter --authorize --key CONSUMER_KEY --secret CONSUMER_SECRET and complete the dialog.

Run with new creds

You should now be able to stream twitter with simply stream2es twitter. stream2es will grab the most recent cached credentials from ~/.authinfo.stream2es.


    % stream2es --help
    Copyright 2013 Elasticsearch

    Usage: stream2es [CMD] [OPTS]


By default, the refresh_interval is -1, which lets ES refresh as it needs to. You can change it by supplying custom --settings:

    % echo '{"name":"alfredo"}' | ./stream2es stdin --settings '
        "settings": {
            "refresh_interval": "2m"


stream2es is written in Clojure. You'll need leiningen 2.0+ to build.

    % lein bin
    % target/stream2es


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

    Copyright 2009-2013 Elasticsearch <http://www.elasticsearch.org>

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
    use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
    the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
    the License.