
Primary LanguagePython


What is psync? A simple tool to quickly synchronize your project(s) across one or multiple machines.


pip install git+https://github.com/Valahaar/psync.git (pypi package coming soon :-) )


Run psync init from the root directory of your project (use -h or --help if you don't know how it works!).

Example config

  local: replica1     # local project path (required!)
  default: replica2   # default remote name (optional; in case there is only one remote, that is selected as default)

  compress: true      # whether to use -c flag in rsync (enables compression)
  ask_confirm: false  # whether to show the rsync command and ask permission before execution
  debug: false        # prints the parsed arguments to the command plus path info (also enables ask_confirm)

    path: /path/to/project
      host: host_in_ssh_config  # you can specify a host in SSH config
    path: ~/my-projects/psync
      hostname:  # or you can configure it yourself
      port: 10333
      user: root
    path: /another/path/to/project
      host: host_in_ssh_config  # or you can combine the two things!
      port: 12345


From any subdirectory of config.project just execute psync <push|pull> [destination] [files] [options].

positional arguments:
  destination           (default: null)
  files                 Files that need to be synced (default: [])

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Remote hostname (in the form of user@host, defaults to $PSYNC_REMOTE_HOST) (default: null)
  -r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
                        Remote destination (defaults to $PSYNC_REMOTE_PROJECT) (default: null)
  -l LOCAL, --local LOCAL
                        Local source (defaults to $PSYNC_LOCAL_PROJECT) (default: null)
  -x EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...], --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]
                        Exclusion patterns provided to rsync (type: str, default: null)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  SSH port to use (not needed in case of a host configured via ssh config) (type: int, default: null)
  -c, --compress        Activate rsync compression (defaults to $PSYNC_COMPRESS) (default: False)
  -n, --confirm         Print the constructed rsync command before execution (enabled if $PSYNC_ASK_CONFIRM) is set) (default: False)
  --debug               Prints the parsed arguments, some useful information and asks for confirmation before running the command (enabled if $PSYNC_DEBUG) is set) (default: False)

By default, psync selects config.default as the remote to synchronize (both in push and pull). In case there is only one remote in the config, psync automatically uses that one.

If files are provided (e.g., psync push setup.py .gitignore), psync will only synchronize those. If no file is specified, psync will synchronize the entire folder from which it is executed.


Q: Why not git?

A: git is great for all intents and purposes, and should be your go-to tool for version control and moving code around. Nevertheless, git does not deal well with large files (e.g., datasets) and requires pushing / pulling to the repository. psync is only intended to be used when moving code and data around, and it makes for a great addition for those who use git with 2FA (as it disables HTTPS access).

Besides, don't forget to push your .psync.yml file to git! This way, replica info will always be up-to-date :)

Q: psync keeps asking for my password! A: Please see Configuring remotes below.

Configuring remotes

It is highly recommended configuring SSH remotes when using psync. For example, our host_in_ssh_config could be configured as follows (in ~/.ssh/config):

Host host_in_ssh_config         # probably better to use meaningful names :)
    User username               # defaults to your local username
    HostName server-ip-or-host  # this is required
    Port ssh-port               # defaults to 22

It is also advisable to use SSH keys to log in, instead of relying on passwords (as psync uses rsync under the hood).

To enable key-based log in, first generate an SSH key with cat /dev/zero | ssh-keygen -q -N "" (this key will be stored under ~/.ssh/id_rsa[.pub]), then run ssh-copy-id <remote> (where <remote> should be defined in the SSH config) and login using your password for the last time. All subsequent logins to <remote> from the host you executed ssh-copy-id will not require a password, including running psync.


  • Improve error handling
  • Better support for -H/--host
  • psync init / faster psync initialization
  • Support .gitignore
  • Support changing default exclusions
  • Support exclusions from config