Scatter Search Function for TSP problems. The function returns: 1) A list with the order of the cities to visit, and the total distance for visiting this same list order.
X = Distance Matrix.
buid_distance_matrix (HELPER FUNCTION) = Tranforms coordinates in a distance matrix (euclidean distance).
city_tour = Initial list of visitation.
seed (HELPER FUNCTION) = Generates a random list of visitation.
iterations = Total number of iterations. The Default Value is 5.
reference_size = Population size. The Default Value is 25.
reverse_prob = Crossover operator that reverses the visitation order of a group of cities. The Default Value is 0.5.
scramble_prob = Crossover operator that scrambles the visitation order of a group of cities. The Default Value is 0.3.
plot_tour_distance_matrix (HELPER FUNCTION) = A projection is generated based on the distance matrix. The estimated projection may present a plot with path crosses, even for the 2-opt optimal solution (Red Point = Initial city; Orange Point = Second City).
plot_tour_coordinates (HELPER FUNCTION) = Plots the 2-opt optimal solution (Red Point = Initial city; Orange Point = Second City).
For Single Objective Optimization try pyMetaheuristic
For Multiobjective Optimization or Many Objectives Optimization try pyMultiobjective
For Travelling Salesman Problems try pyCombinatorial