- AidanGGMelbourne, Australia
- alnr@ory @ory-corp
- AuroraDysisInstituto Superior TĂ©cnico
- calewisGoogle
- chrinide
- ChrisAndreUnited States
- duguxyUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- eschnettPerimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Frandy
- fredcoudercCNRS, Toulouse Mathematics Institute
- henhansTaiwan
- IgnotusUniversity of Amsterdam
- jakeykjDepartment of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University
- jcrudySan Francisco
- justusc@togethercomputer
- keceliArgonne National Laboratory
- LordAlbiorGood Dog Games
- mattjjGoogle
- mkrupcale
- msaitow
- pchong90Virginia Tech
- pgawronNicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences
- poulsonRidgewood, NY
- pseewaldSwitzerland
- rigarashOMRON SINIC X
- rockrockrock
- S-VEarth
- sam-splat
- solomonikUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- srean
- SreeArikatlaChapel Hill, NC
- tjz2026Institute of theoretical physics, University of Goettingen
- victory1128
- wavefunction91Microsoft Corporation (Azure Quantum)
- xichuangSichuang Normal University. Shanghai Jiaotong university.
- yingjerkaoNational Taiwan University