Japanese flag

v3 (latest)

OOP and simple circle formula with 3 'if' to determine circle borders (with outer circle radius correction coefficient).

  • python3 flag_v3.py
  • python3 test_flag_v3.py -v


Uses NumPy and How to generate a matrix with circle of ones in numpy/scipy

  • python3 flag_v2.py
  • python3 test_flag_v2.py -v

Version 2 is just for fun!

  • console line spacing must be < 0.8;
  • violated the condition of height and width of the rectangle.


The fist idea was - it's a rhomb! Algorithm implements 4 border-circle lines.

  • python3 flag.py
  • python3 test_flag.py -v

The purpose of the task is to implement a function that will accept a single input parameter N and output a string with an ASCII art of the japanese flag.

Here is an example of flags for various values of N:

N = 2                           N = 6
########                        ####################
#      #                        #                  #
#  **  #                        #                  #
#  **  #                        #                  #
#      #                        #        **        #
########                        #       *oo*       #
                                #      *oooo*      #
N = 4                           #      *oooo*      #
##############                  #       *oo*       #
#            #                  #        **        #
#            #                  #                  #
#     **     #                  #                  #
#    *oo*    #                  #                  #
#    *oo*    #                  ####################
#     **     #
#            #
#            #

The following is a list of requirements for the function:

  • The input N shall be an integer even number
  • The width of the inner area of the rectangle (excluding border) shall be 3 * N
  • The height of the inner area of the rectangle (excluding border) shall be 2 * N
  • The vertical distance between the circle and the border of the rectangle shall be N/2
  • The horizontal distance between the circle and the border of the rectangle shall be N
  • # symbol shall be used for rectangle border, * symbol shall be used for the circle border, o symbol shall be used for inner circle area
  • The function shall return a string and use \n as line separators
  • The function shall accept a single parameter N
  • If the parameter is not a valid even integer number the ArgumentError exception shall be thrown
  • The result of the task shall be provided a single python file named flag.py with a function named flag defined in it