Persist and rehydrate a mobx store.
npm install --save mobx-storage
Basic usage involves providing a store to AsyncThunk
and options
// app.js
import { AsyncThunk } from 'mobx-storage';
const rootStore = new RootStore();
const options = {
debug: true,
whiteList: ['userStore'],
ignoreKeys: ['rootStore'],
const thunk = new AsyncThunk(rootStore, options, localStorage);
thunk.init().then(() => {
// rootStore already rehydrated
If you are using react, you can wrap your root component with PersistGate
. It delays rendering an application until a store is fully rehydrated.
import { PersistGate } from 'mobx-storage';
// do initial setup for thunk the same as in basic setup
const App = () => {
return (
<PersistGate loading={null} thunk={rootStore}>
###Migrations Mobx storage supports basic usage of migrations. Migrations runs every time when rehydration process starts. See example/react-counter for details.
const migrations = {
0: (state) => {
return {
1: (state) => {
const thunk = new AsyncThunk(storeInstance, {
debug: true,
whiteList: ['userStore'],
ignoreKeys: ['rootStore'],
version: 1,
}, localStorage);
It does. Just pass AsyncStorage as a third parameter in AsyncThunk.