
Towards a Galaxy for Ecology

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Concarneau Galaxy-E team 2018


Following GCC2016 lightning talk, and in the context of the french National Museum of Natural History MNHN project "65 Millions d'observateurs" dedicated to enhance and expand participation to citizen sciences projects studying biodiversity, a proof of concept of analysis web platform in macroecology will be made. We propose for this to use the Galaxy web platform. Here is the origin of a Galaxy-E, for Ecology ?


This repository will gather ideas and development of Galaxy-E tools

A dedicated French version of Galaxy

Galaxy i18n is almost here, translations still welcomed!

Interesting Data sources

Species data

Environmental data

# exploring the marine (you can also choose terrestrial) datasets
datasets <- list_datasets(terrestrial = FALSE, marine = TRUE)

Interesting tools

To learn more about R Markdown and interactive documents, please visit rmarkdown.rstudio.com. ```

Interesting R packages

Interesting initiatives
