
Dotfiles, shell config and setup

Primary LanguageShell

Dotfiles 🔧

This project aims to provide dotfiles templates and common scripts for setup and configure various command.


These config provide every config you need in your shell and are read each time a zsh shell is launched.

├── oh-my-posh/
│  └── theme/
│     └── custom.json
├── zsh/
│  ├── antigen/
│  │  └── antigen.zsh
│  ├── born2root.txt
│  ├── config.sh
│  └── explicit_aliases.sh
├── 10_cargo.sh
├── 20_basic.sh
├── 30_compiler.sh
├── 40_docker.sh
├── 50_git.sh
├── 60_ssh.sh
├── 70_python.sh
└── 80_gpg.sh


The dotfiles/ folder provides the following dotfiles templates :

├── .gitconfig
├── .gitignore_global
└── .vscode/
   ├── extensions.json
   └── settings.json

There is no .zshrc template, as you only need to source config.sh (which is done by setup).


These scripts are intended to install common packages on proper os :

Only for osx/debian

It can install severals profiles in addition to the core install by providing -p <profile_name> (example: ./setup-osx.sh -p base). The following additional profiles are available :

  • base - base packages
  • rust - rust developer oriented packages

For more infos use -h flag with the script to print help.

Packages can come from different sources such as homebrew, apt, npm, etc...

Apt come with WakeMeOps repository.


Package Description Type OSX installation Debian installation
bat cat command enhanced cli homebrew apt
bat-extras bat combo with other commands cli homebrew shell
chafa image viewer in terminal cli homebrew apt
docker docker engine cli - shell
exa ls command enhanced cli homebrew apt
exiftool metadata writer and reader tool cli homebrew apt
ffmpeg audio video manipulation tool cli homebrew apt
fzf command-line fuzzy finder cli homebrew apt
gh github cli cli homebrew apt
git git cli cli homebrew apt
glab gitlab cli cli homebrew apt
gnupg encryption tool cli homebrew apt
jq json processor tool cli homebrew apt
nmap port scanning utility cli homebrew apt
ripgrep regex pattern search cli (usefull for bat-extras) cli homebrew apt
rsync file transfer tool cli homebrew apt
tldr++ cheatsheet interactive cli cli homebrew go
tree filesystem display as tree cli homebrew apt
wget internet file retriever cli homebrew apt
yq yaml processor tool cli homebrew apt
docker docker desktop desktop homebrew - cask -
openvpn-connect vpn client desktop homebrew - cask -
vscode ide desktop homebrew - cask -
rectangle window manager tool desktop homebrew - cask -


Package Description Type OSX installation Debian installation
rustup Rust tools installer cli shell shell