
POC of a workspace with multiple Next.js app and shared code

Primary LanguageTypeScript

POC of Yarn workspaces with multiple Next.js apps

This POC shows a repository with 2 Next.js applications and one shared "common" module. This is done using a Yarn workspace.

Solved issues

Intellisense / Auto-imports in VSCode

One issue I faced was having auto-import working in VSCode for items in the common folder that were not already used in the admin or worker apps. The key for this was to have the tsconfig files inside the Next.js projects not being called "tsconfig.json" so that they were not loaded by VSCode. By adding the ".app" suffix and telling Next.js to load it via the next.config.json, it's working as I was expecting at first.

JSX in "common" lib

By default, Next.js does not transpile libraries in the node_modules. However, when using a Yarn workspace, the shared packages are actually imported from node_modules. Therefore, JSX or any non ES syntax is not transpiled. To solve this, we have to use the next-transpile-modules plugin to explicitly transpile the "common" lib.