- 1
Support Svelte 5 as a peer dependency
#58 opened by mhedgpeth - 1
Start the cropper with cropdata
#57 opened by Matthijz98 - 1
Precise cropping?
#56 opened by lolmaus - 2
Changing the `aspect` value updates the crop area but does not trigger `on:cropcomplete`
#54 opened by lolmaus - 8
bug: Demos not working
#47 opened by MentalGear - 4
- 2
- 1
Feature request: rotation & onRotationChange
#46 opened by egertpiksar - 10
typescript support
#41 opened by ksawery29 - 4
- 1
- 8
Zooming doesn't work in Safari browser
#35 opened by SerovMihail - 1
General UX Additions
#25 opened by sanozie - 4
- 2
Add a slider to control the zoom
#18 opened by hubert-ix - 5
A full demo with a file upload field
#15 opened by azmeuk - 4
- 2
How do I get the actual cropped image?
#6 opened by patrickhener - 1
How to get a full-crop-box
#5 opened by thebestgin - 1
Feature request: objectFit property
#14 opened by austinwritescode - 1
Sveltekit window is not defined
#16 opened by Askhabov-HM - 2
- 1