Today's exercise: Relationships with Prisma

Repo: boolean-uk-api-many-to-many-relationships

Description Build GET routes & controllers, with one POST to create a patient with an initial appointment, and practice writing Prisma queries that involve relationships between models


  • Download this template .ZIP and extract it, then open it in VS Code:
  • Rename .env_example to .env
  • Create a new database in ElephantSQL (you can use your previous shadow db), then update the .env with the correct URL's
  • Add the relationships defined below to the models in ./prisma/schema.prisma
  • Run npx prisma migrate dev --name add_relations
  • Build the controllers and routes as instructed


  • Doctor can have many Appointments
  • Appointment can have many Doctors
  • Patient can have many Appointments

Use npx prisma studio to seed data.

Build these routes and controllers for the Patient resource:

  • POST /patients that creates a new patient and an initial related appointment

Build these routes and controllers for the Appointment resource:

  • GET /appointments?practiceName=value&order=recent that returns all appointments, with optional query params to filter by practiceName and order by most recent
  • GET /appointments/doctors that returns all appointments including their related Doctors

Build these routes and controllers for the Doctor resource:

  • GET /doctors/:id/appointments that returns the appointments for specific doctor
  • GET /doctors/:id/practice returns a list of places where the doctor has appointments
  • GET /doctors/most-busy returns the doctor with the most appointments
  • GET /doctors/total-hours returns the total amount of time in appontments, assuming each appointment is 30 mins


  • Use the Prisma docs extensively
  • Get in the support channel if you're stuck for more than 15 minutes


  • Add validations to your controllers that sends a useful message back to the client when there's an error, with suggestions as to what they could do differently.

  • Create these routes and controllers for the Patient resource:

    • GET /patients/:id/appointments that returns the patient's appointments
    • GET /patients/:id/doctors that returns the Doctors the patient has appointments with
    • GET /patients/:id/doctors?practiceName=value that returns the Doctors the patient has appoints with, filtered by practiceName