Test-Driven Development

Todo App

Learning Objectives

  • Setup and use a test framework to help test code
  • Use the Red Green Refactor loop to develop code
  • Test-drive a program with multiple functions with unit tests


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine
  3. Install project dependencies
$ git clone git@github.com:boolean-uk/boolean-uk-tdd-todo-app.git && cd boolean-uk-tdd-todo-app
$ npm ci # to install dependencies


  1. Follow a test-driven development process. Start with creating a domain model, then write a test, and pass it by writing source code. Repeat until you've finished.


You should be able to run this in your JS console (using your node REPL, or browser console). For any assumptions made, represent this in your domain model.

  • Create a todo item that has an ID, text description, and starts off incomplete
  • Show all todo items
  • Show only todo items that are incomplete
  • Show only todo items that are complete
  • Search for a todo item by its index and show it, or return a message saying it doesn’t exist
  • Remove a todo item by its index
  • Only show the first 20chars of a todo item text description when showing multiple todo items. When showing a single todo, show all the text description

Example interactions

$ node
> const todoApp = require('./src/todoApp.js') // load your program into your REPL
> todoApp.create("Do the laundry")
{id: 1, text: "Do the laundry", status: "incomplete"}
> todoApp.create("Make the bed")
{id: 2, text: "Make the bed", status: "incomplete"}
> todoApp.setComplete(2)
{id: 2, text: "Make the bed", status: "complete"}
> todoApp.setComplete(3)
"Todo item not found"
> todoApp.showAll()
[{id: 1, text: "do laundry", status: "incomplete"}, {id: 2, text: "make the bed", status: "complete"}]

Further work

  • Recreate this app using an object-oriented approach (eg: using classes)
  • Add a user interface to this app so you can run this from the command line (don't worry about test-driving this once your unit tests for your app logic are passing)