Expo draw tool using react-native-svg. (Forked from rn-draw)
First install react-native-svg expo install react-native-svg
Then install expo-draw with npm install --save git+https://github.com/Valiums/expo-draw
import ExpoDraw from 'expo-draw'
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)'}}
rewind={(undo) => {this._undo = undo}}
clear={(clear) => {this._clear = clear}}
color={'#000000'} // you can change the color here. Each stroke will save its current color.
onChangeStrokes={(strokes) => console.log(strokes)}
### Props
**strokes** [Array] - set with some initial data. (defaults to [])
**containerStyle** [Object] - style for the container of the draw component.
**color** [String] - string representation of pen color (defaults to '#000000')
**strokeWidth** [Number] - width of pen strokes (defaults to 4)
**rewind** [Func] - a function for passing the draw component's undo functionality
**clear** [Func] - a function for passing the draw component's clear functionality
**onChangeStrokes** [Func] - callback that is called when the draw changes.
**enabled** [Boolean] - set if user can edit it. If false it disable also all touch event, so you can use it easly on GestureView like ScrollView.
You can save a screenshot of your canvas using takeSnapshotAsync
, the method from expo, like so:
import { captureRef as takeSnapshotAsync } from 'react-native-view-shot';
mySaveFx = async () => {
const signatureResult = await takeSnapshotAsync(this.refOfExpoDrawElement, {
result: 'tmpfile',
quality: 0.5,
format: 'png',
//The output will be a local tmpfile (uri)[String], with the current lines that were drawn. Therefore, you can save it or so! ;)
You can also save strokes array as json, for example, on firebase. In order to support all displays i recommend to use fixed dimensions:
state = {
strokes: []
saveOnFirebase = () => {
render() {
containerStyle={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.01)', height: 300, width: 500}}
rewind={(undo) => {this._undo = undo}}
clear={(clear) => {this._clear = clear}}
onChangeStrokes={(strokes) => this.setState({strokes})}
<Button onPress={saveOnFirebase} title={"Save my signature"}/>
This is actually a fork of a fork. I needed to add support for colors.
I created this fork because I don't think their repos are still being maintained so I couldn't do a PR.
If you ever need color supports, use my fork at your own risk. The way I added support for colors is super hacky and probably really bad. I'll probably not maintain this.
All the heavy work was actually done by rn-draw and expo-draw
Credits goes to them!