
Primary LanguagePython

Help @vkmusic_bot be international!

Help to translate @vkmusic_bot for Telegram! Do not hesitate to message me @vkmowner in Telegram if you have any troubles.

Translation guidelines

  1. Download poedit app from https://poedit.net/
  2. Open or create a translation file for your language (%%LANG_CODE%%/LC_MESSAGES/vk-music-bot.po)
  3. Select Catalogue -> Update from POT file... menu command and choose vk-music-bot.pot from the root of the repository
  4. Translate and fill the missing translations, validate the existing ones using the following guidelines:
    • Keep \n symbols in their places
    • Try to keep the same line lengths as the original English
    • Do not translate commands (e.g. /song, /artist, /my, etc) — let them be in English
    • Do not translate or remove placeholders (e.g. %s, %(channel)s)
  5. Save, commit and send you changes as a pull request to the repo