Thunderbolt Switch, a software that switches your game settings and device power profiles (TDP, Power Balance, Voltage) for all your games based on device current status (AC, DC, EGPU, External Screen). Now compatible with both Intel and AMD processors.
- Andre4k
- asc82
- beshkenadzeCaesar.Team
- ColumbusAI
- CwiiisMozilla
- deathscreton
- dissociativity
- DominiquiniPersonal
- ewagner12
- Fyobl
- gcstsz
- huskyhi
- kurikomoeInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- liunice
- medoshow
- MR-PIxelzenPiXZeN Corp.
- onenonlymiley
- PowerfulPony
- preynal~
- rahlquist
- rgkirch
- rozxHeavyskymobile Studio.
- scoopdreams
- seanclancy
- sentientapp
- shanelindsay
- SilentNightx
- Steel-skullSkullworks
- syrvolga
- TangoIndia
- TomBebbManchester, UK
- tvigue
- Velocity535
- WakuraKraster
- Zarloc
- zhouboyu