
Adds a random color role to every member in a guild.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A discord bot that gives a random color role to every member in a guild.



  1. Clone https://github.com/valkyrienyanko/ColorBot.git
  2. Download and install LTS Node.js
  3. Install yarn npm i -g yarn
  4. Run yarn install in the project root directory
  5. Generate a bot token from the Discord Developers Portal
  6. Update .env with your bot token
  7. Start server with yarn dev:server
  8. Create an invite link for the bot by grabbing its token ID and putting it in the following URL https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=ID&scope=bot&permissions=27649
  9. Continue setup with v!help


Check the current issues.