##Installing Ruby
curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
This gets the latest version of ruby
To verify that it is installed check what version you are using by running
ruby -v
To open a Ruby console just type irb
and thats it.
###.rvmrc files Making a gemset for a project/directory is easy. Just 'cd' to the directory and make the .rvmrc file.
touch .rvmrc
Then edit that file
nano .rvmrc
And fill in with something like this
rvm use 2.0.0@something --create
Chnge something to the project name to something else and optinally change the ruby version. Save and exit and then reload change back out and then into the directory again and you will be asked if you would like the create the gemset.
##Making a new Rails Application To start with run
gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc
This will download and install rails.
To make a new application do
rails new something
Once again substitue something for your application name. Change into your new application folder and make a .rvrmc file like above