
Primary LanguageHTML


  1. navigate to project folder - terminal
  2. git clone - terminal
  3. ./gradlew eclipse - in terminal
  4. open eclipse, download and install EGradle plugin (might not be 100% necessary)
  5. import excisting project as Gradle project (if you have the plugin)

Probably necessary terminal commands in the project folder

./gradlew build - gradle build - ./gradlew bootrun - ./gradlew eclipse

hide dependencies

Customize view, enable external libraries (Presentation Hierarchical) (Customize - Content - Nested)


Archive event (for in case there is no admin for easy upkeep):

CREATESwithARCHIVEopt includes the CREATES used in the app and archive tables

drop event / innoarchive should never be used unless a big fail in databases as it loses all the stored archive data if applied into use

idea :

event that is to be archived should be named as archived - id auto increment insert relative data into innoarchive from inno, team, vote maybe as exampled below:

INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3, ...) SELECT column1, column2, column3, ... FROM table1 WHERE condition;

and maybe something like: public interface ArchiveDAO{ public abstract Event addEvent(Event event); public abstract Event find(long event_id); public abstract List findAll(); public abstract void insertArchive(Innovation inno, Vote vote, Team team, Event event); public abstract void deleteUnused(Innovation inno, Voter voter, Team team, Vote vote); }

Other further development ideas for the software

Three votes for a voter, names are not probably necessary info in the database for usage but how to ensure a voter does not vote more than given times if there's no name check?

The % of the given votes among the voters showed next to the amount of the votes in results page -> three votes can be rounded by giving each student 3 profiles to vote on with, requires meeting with the teams beforehand possibly?

Maybe adding lombok, hibernate and RowMappers to the software? (for knowledge: lombok requires an installation to a computer on which it is proggrammed)

probably adding for futher easy access usage :

Archive TODO and Login systems for: ( sysadmin - developer / all rights ) ( teacheradmin - adds teams / teamadmin rights + update (or even remove?) teamadmins stuff ) ( teamadmin - adds members to teams and innovations / rights to add not to remove )

Further usage of the software

Admin should check the status of the software in a good time before the need of the usage Maybe a week or two before the event, in which the engine is required, collect the data from the innovators at their class to make sure that every innovation is added?