• Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Usage
  • Customization
  • Maintainers


Commerce Promo Bar allows stores to display notifications and promotional information via the bar on top pages or any positions.


This module requires Drupal Commerce 2, and it's submodule promotion and Color field module.


Install the Commerce Promo Bar module as you would normally install any Drupal contrib module. Visit for further information.


1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the Commerce Promo Bar
2. Navigate to Home > Administration > Structure > Block layout and
   place Commerce Promo Bar block onto region where you want to show promo bars.
   (if you want to show only one promo bar always - uncheck Stack promo bars)
3. Navigate to Home > Administration > Commerce > Configuration > Promo Bar.
   if you want to add fields, or change display & form view modes.


1. Navigate to Home > Administration > Commerce > Promo Bars
   where you can create new promo bar.
2. Promo bar should be visible on region where you placed block from
   2nd step from Configuration.

Drag Racing


  • adjust background color
  • adjust text color
  • use tokens inside promo bar body
  • WYSIWYG editor to style promo bar message
  • set start and end date
  • set countdown date and display countdown timer
  • restrict visibility per store
  • restrict visibility per customer role
  • restrict visibility per any path


  • If you want to use Twig, use commerce-promo-bar.html.twig for any changes.
  • If you want to use UI for changes, it is possible trough WYSIWYG editor and/or view mode / field formatters to achieve some customizations.
  • Promo Bar entity is field-able, so you can add any field to the entity. To use it within Promo Bar body, insert them with tokens


Javascript which provides functionality for countdown timer expects existence of class promo-bar-countdown-1 where number 1 from example represents promo bar entity ID.

Color fields which are used for customization of color for background and text expects existence of class where number 1 from example represents promo bar entity ID.


The 1.0.x branch was created by:

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