
Extended support for yBot written by VallionXD on discord.

[User Guide] yBot FAQ/Support

Common fixes for certain things revolving yBot not working in here!

Official faq channel can be found in the discord server, Invite: https://discord.gg/bDdYawRnmA

Get Roles For yBot Supporter, Pro & Lite

How to get proper roles for which type of yBot you have, requires a account with the level of yBot purchased. There is not a role for yBot Free.

Click on the servers name to make a dropdown appear, the one with Leave Server. Then click on Linked Roles.

Once you do that there should be three buttons:

yBot Supporter yBot Pro yBot Lite

Click which type of yBot you have and follow the steps, if your logged in account has the level of yBot, you will be granted the role, if not you will not gain the role.

Uninstall yBot

There are two ways you can completely uninstall yBot from your game installation.

  1. Use the latest installer from #announcements and click on Uninstall yBot.
  2. Verify Integrity using Steam, and delete ybot.dll, ybotctcr.dll and ybotctpp.dll .

Verify Integrity Guide: insert link here ;-;

Fix Geometry Dash Not Opening

Be aware of the following:

  • Run Geometry Dash from Steam, not GeometryDash.exe.
  • Check if there is a logs folder in your Geometry Dash installation folder.

If there are no logs, double-check using Event Viewer in Windows 10/11.

Use Event Viewer to locate Logs:

  1. Run Event Viewer
  2. In Event Viewer, open the Windows Logs folder and choose Application.
  3. If there is an error related to any of the following, GeometryDash.exe, ybot.dll, ybotctcr.dll, and ybotctpp.dll open a bug report and paste in your full log.

To Open A Bug Report:

  1. Navigate to #bugs
  2. Click New Post.
  3. Name the post accordingly and in the message part paste your log.

If your issue is that you cannot open Geometry Dash using Steam, put steam_appid.txt in your Geometry Dash installation folder.

Open Geometry Dash Without Steam:

  1. Paste the steam_appid.txt or create inside of your game installation folder.
  2. If you created it, put 322170 inside of the file and save.
  3. Run Geometry Dash from GeometryDash.exe, will only work if steam_appid.txt was created/pasted properly.

Also, for yBot Lite and yBot Pro users, DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP. Try installing yBot Free instead of yBot Pro or yBot Lite. If it works it is likely an authentication issue, as you tried to install it on a device that isnt the one you bought it on. If you want to change the device, reinstall the bot (There is a ratelimit so do not change it too fast)

Check If The Site Is Down

Due to the site ybot.store often going down, there are many authentication or file downloading related issues that can occur if the site is down and most don't realize this is a good reason for it not working.

Out of many sites I have tried to accurately check if ybot.store is down, most were innaccurate. I have however, found a site that does properly check if it is down. That is downforeveryoneorjustme.com. If you would like to check if ybot.store is down, use the link below to check

Check if ybot.store is down using downforeveryoneorjustme.com

Need ffmpeg.exe to use yBot?

Here is a link to download the ffmpeg.exe used by yBot.

Download: Link to ffmpeg download here ;-;

Need ybot.dll, ybotctcr.dll, and ybotctpp.dll to use yBot?

I will not be providing link to download these files UNTIL they have been proven to not contain information related to login information, as I am not going to be freely giving away my account for others to use.